
In light of the changes global, regional and local incident now that evolves continuously, and under its effects on education programs and scientific research, the college aspires to keep pace with these developments, so prepare and qualify graduates qualified and well-prepared and distinct, so have the opportunities for competition global, regional and local foropportunities to work and study in the field of business and trade, and in the light of this, the faculty believes that it is necessary to seek to achieve comprehensive quality standards for university education in the light controls academic force in the field of faculty, students and scientific research, community service and compatibility with the labor market in the presence ofBunyan and Communicational far as I know the forces and incomplete


The College of Business, University of Zagazig educational organization research cope with global and regional developments and local communities in the area to prepare and qualify students cognitive and applied in the fields of management science and accounting, economic and humanitarian-related requirements of the work and research to serve the production and service sectors and in light of this, the mission of the College GOES to give students intellectual skills and administrativeand behavioral analysis capabilities and decision-making problems, and the capacity of self-education and continuous, so that they will be worthy of the service and the development of society and contribute to providing innovative solutions to its problems.


1 - Prepare distinct cadres scientifically and professionally in the fields of trade, including meeting the needs of the labor market locally and regionally.

2 - development of scientific research and encourage research and consultancy serving the surrounding environment and the national economy as a whole.
3 - Development of the capacity of faculty members and their assistants and the administrative system altogether.
4 - development, implementation and follow-up continuing education programs for workers in government agencies and institutions and non-governmental organizations in line with the rapid developments in the areas of business to enhance the performance of the individual and the organization.